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Hot August, Hot Tuna!!

The bite has really kicked into overdrive this month, and shows zero signs of stopping. My Dusky 256 Fisherman’s Cuddy and the twin ‘Zukes have put over 750 hours on these fish already this season, and they seem hungry for more each morning performing flawlessly each and every time I leave the dock on the hunt. There have been no shortage of good times and lots of hot action for the elusive bluefin. Each and every trip that has left the dock this month has seen multiple hookups, all with the insanely light gear we use in the “run and gun” tuna game. Spinning reels and small overhead(conventional) jigging reels have been getting artificial lures in front of herds of turned-on tuna feeding on the abundant natural bait we have been blessed with all season. The success rates for laned fish vary with luck, natural obstacles, other boats, and skill all having a play in the outcomes. Despite the hurdles, we have had fish on the deck early, and often these days here at Coastal Charters Sportfishing.

In the hunt at daybreak for bluefin tuna.

Dusky 256 with twin Suzuki outboards, headed home comfortably after a successful day of tuna fishing in Cape Cod, MA

Tight to a bluefin tuna from the bow of Coastal Charters Sportfishing‘s Dusky 256. Custom bow rail keeps the anglers in the boat!

The fish have been bunched up in tight schools finally, and are once again starting to get aggressive as competition increases amongst the fish in each school. The light spectrums are starting to change to a bit of light orange and red, and the nights are starting to get cooler than the days, triggering the first signs of the great late summer and fall runs we look forward to here in Cape Cod. There have been so many opportunities, and tired anglers that don’t mind letting one or two schools go by without getting fired up and looking to come tight to a bluefin, that I have been able to capture some incredible still shots of feeding schools, as well as others just traveling under the surface sunning themselves and digesting in the mid day hours when the sun is high.

Bluefin tuna feeding on sand eels in a foaming frenzy!

“Running” bluefin tuna, a term locals use to describe common schooling behavior after feeding. The fish get up in tight schools and “run” down tide at the surface, sunning themselves.

A successful angler fooled this nice 120 pound bluefin tuna with a surface plug worked on light tackle spinning gear.

The sizes of the tuna has continued to impress, with many different year-class fishing showing up with the average being about 75-100 pounds, with some smaller and even a few over 150 pounds! Each trip has seen opportunity to land both slot sizes for the charter permits I carry aboard my Dusky. The amount of tasty loin provided from just 2 of these fish can afford many a fresh meal for family and friends, with plenty left over to freeze or smoke for future enjoyment. I have been fortunate enough to get a bit of loin or some belly meat for some delicious sashimi, nice to savor the fruits of your labor from time to time….enjoy life, get out and fish, eat, drink, and be happy!

A healthy 60 pound tuna that fell for an unweighted, soft-plastic, finesse bait worked on ultra light tackle.

A nice 130 pound bluefin caught aboard Coastal Charters Sportfishing.

Fresh garlic-chili paste, wasabi, red onion slivers, lime and 4 different cuts of bluefin sashimi, including the prized toro, from the belly loin. Don’t forget a bit of tasty spirits to accompany such a fine meal!

To book  a charter with Capt. Dom of Coastal Charters Sportfishing aboard his Dusky 256FC please visit