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Cape Cod insanity

The bite continues for my anglers, with my Danish crew taking another fish the last day of their trip, with another Cape Cod bluefin of considerable heft for the gear employed. The anglers and the gear have come a long way in a short time with skill and solid equipment to tangle with these ultimate game fish.

What a trip these guys had, coming a long way with great expense and effort, to be rewarded with amazing fishing in Nat-Geo status wide open feeds, and incredible scenery. The whale shows have been nothing short of amazing, as have the sunrises the past week with the weather finally turning for the better. This is the stuff fishing dreams are made of, and why I love this fishery so much.

My German clients this week arrived to wonderful weather, and all though the full moon has gotten these fish sulky with heavy tides, and feeding all night on the abundant squid, sand eels, and herring, we still managed to have a great trip with multiple hookups on bluefin, including one they landed which taped out at 79" and around 250 pounds! Some of the strikes they got on surface retrieved lures were some of the most incredibly violent takes I have ever witnessed...pure adrenaline overload. When we weren't hunting tuna, the striped bass and bluefish continued to provide incredible light gear action, with a fish a cast wherever we encountered them, all on jigs and topwater plugs.

The full moon should finish up in a couple of days, and the fish that are already here should be joined by some new arrivals. The bait is staggering still, and the conditions seem prime for a good couple of weeks if the weather continues to hold.

To book  a charter with Capt. Dom of Coastal Charters Sportfishing aboard his Dusky 256FC please visit